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» Posted by on May 17, 2012 in Blog | 5 comments

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What do you think about the show?






  1. I really love this site I am excited to see more!

  2. I can’t wait for the this show to reach the national stage. America is in need of quality, thought provoking programming that the entire family can watch together. Positive discussions that will transcend generations are sure to be the result . Thank you Clover Lane Media!

  3. This program was very inspiring. It really made me more certain that it is extremely important to attend my own family’s reunion. I’m excited to hear stories from my older relatives. I enjoyed watching this type of show with my friends and family, especially my grandchildren. I truely want to thank the show’s creator for providing us with a positive program and I look forward to seeing more.

  4. The show is amazing and Archie Allen and his crew were like part of our family. Can’t wait to see more…

  5. We love this show…the Clark’s are in the house…our grandaughter Candice Shantell Shannon has been running around our house saying and I asked her where she learned that and she said on vacation in Georgia. She said Paw Paw, Maw Maw, and Clinton also learned it…I am sure you know where she got it from…It’s a Family Reunion!!! What’s your story ? When they filmed the Clark 2012 Reunion in Atlanta, Ga July 27th, 28th, and 29th 2012…We the Clark Family love this show and Archie Allen and is film crew for sharing in this amazing time of love and connecting our family together with the help of Ancestry.

    With great respect and love,
    Mary Kate Maloy Clark

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